A few weeks ago my roommates and I went on a trip to Prague. None of us had been to Prague but we had all heard great things from other people who had been. The first day in Prague my roommates and I went to a Beer Spa. Before coming to Prague I and never heard of a Beer Spa, but they are somewhat common in Prague and other parts of the Czech Republic. In a beer spa, you are bathing in unfermented beer, so you bathe in water, hops, and barley. While you're bathing in the beer you can have some freshly made bread, a cold shower with one of the cold shower buckets, lay down on the hay bed, or go to the sauna if you pay extra (we did not pay extra for the sauna). Best of all there is unlimited beer on tap while you're there. My roommates and I only did one hour and it was honestly one of the coolest experiences of my life. I highly recommend going to Beer Spa Land if you're ever in Prague, the whole experience just feels like some sort of dream.

Day 2 in Prague my roommates wanted to check out the city so we decided to walk around. We felt like we needed to burn off some calories after all the carbs from the day before. We had heard from our Airbnb Host that the Vitus Chapel had beautiful stained glass, when we got to the Vitus Chapel we had an amazing view of Prague. Inside the chapel was some of the most detailed and amazing stained glass I had ever seen. Construction for the Vitus Chapel began in 1344, the construction took over 600 as the chapel wasn't complete till 1929.

Day 3 in Prague my roommates and I went to the Saturday market. We had heard from our Airbnb host that every Saturday there is a market with all kinds of Czech and other Eastern European foods. There was one booth that stood out to us and that is because this booth had giant woks of pork, goulash, potatoes, and other Czech cuisine. This booth also had bratwursts which were so good and juicy. This meal ended up being maybe my favorite meal while abroad, the food was something you expect to see on an Anthony Bourdain episode. I think the only other meal that competes with it is the sushi in Milan. Overall I cannot recommend visiting Prague enough, Everyone was friendly even though they didn't smile much, the food is amazing, and the architecture is stunning.
