There is a great song by Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis Jr. named We Open in Venice. In the song they say "We open in Venice, we next play Verona then on to Cremona". The trip I most recently took follows the lyrical path of song pretty well, or at least the first two cities mentioned. Over the weekend my friends and I started our trip in Venice for a night and then went to Verona the next night. Because it is early March it is slow season for tourism in Venice, because of this my roommates and I were able to really take in the beauty of Venice. Later in the night my friends and I went to dinner at a restaurant named Bacaro Quebrado. This restaurant was very affordable, almost all pastas were under 15 euros. One of the best parts about this restaurant is that they gave my friends and each 2 free shots of limoncello and a plate of cookies. If you find yourself in Venice and need a food recommendation I highly recommend Bacaro Quebrado.
